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Sunday, September 18, 2011

wow, haven't post in almost a year ehs?

haha. lots of things have changed in this past year. schools, friends, topic of stress. and many many others. thats's life aint it? (:

anyway, got inspired by one of my ex-classmate's blog.
her blogs made me realised that things can be simple. (well, certain things)
to sum what i got frm her blog: PICTURES.
(haha. my logic is a 'lil off but anyway, it's my blog. teehees. :P)

well, as they say, a picture speaks a thousand words. shall save up money to buy:

- ipod touch 4 - $450/= at least (including covers other accesspries if needed)
- camera - Not sure yet. ._.
- haven't thought of yet :P


ipod touch:
i believe it will help me in my studies. i mean srsly. thou unlike iphone it doesn't have 3G, it has wifi, so i can search for info when im outside as long as theres wifi. notes app halp me take notes in class, prevents me frm falling asleep say i don't get caught by teachers. to-do-list app (self download) makes lists of hw more attractive to do (HAHA. i know this sounds like crap). anyway, with it's music and vids (yes, i admit, this the main reason and also the reason why i prefer this over iphone) im happy. hehe.

realted to this post, a picture speaks a thousand words. when i get the camera. which i suppose have to wait quite long til i buy one myself since im saving up for ipod touch 1st (for the time being, prolly shall use the old one i have). i intend to go ard SG during the hols and take pictures. then creating a blog, posting them. life seems simple this way, doesn't it? hopefully it stays that way. (:

kay. im done here. please grant me the power and will to save money. hehe. you know, food's a great temptation for me . plus the rising food prices. omg. sighs much. HAHA. im outta here.

with loves.

i gotta wake up;

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

ok, i was 'forced' to update. XP
so let my blog come alive again. (but i won't gurantee that i'll update any time soon! :P)
Enjoy the songs.
(p/s: check out the music box i changed it. it's cool. LOL) ;)



hearts you! (:

ok, i'm done. -winks-


i gotta wake up;

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

urgh... don't like blogger... maybe is the blogger don't like mye account or wad... blogger always seems to have a problem with me... Sian... anyway, currently, am 2-timing blogger and live journal... blogger is good in a sense that can choose a varity of blogskins as long as you have the html and songs are easily added. so far, i've only passed by one live journal acct. that has song... lol... and live journal is good cause can lock posts to friends/ yourself... lol... i sound like i'm inviting people to join LJ...

anyway, today had physics practical test... bloody hell... my graph draw wrong side = WHOLE THING WRONG. bloody... don't like physics... [ps: i've never liked physics before...] if you ask me between maths and physics which i would prefer, , my direct answer will be MATHS. yar, i don't like maths, but i hate physics. not that i keep failing or doing badly for physics, but i just don't get the thing about it. urgh!!!!

haix... let this be a short post larhs... no colour anyway... boring.. so.. yar, take care people!

PS: physics... bloody hell...
PS: So many tests...
PS: So many things to do, so little time...
PS: my livejournal: th-reality.livejournal.com [only opened to friends.]


i gotta wake up;

Sunday, August 9, 2009

i'm pissed off and came here to say a "dedication". yar right, in a bad way.[if you want to see updates, try th-reality.livejournal.com but it's open to friends only.] just have these to say to a particular person who SHOULD know who he/she is:

By writing that, you are showing me just how much you know about me. so don't act as if you know me that well, the purpose of me doing everything. it's all going to end here. that's it. i have enough of your bullshit and lies. infront if me, you try to be the nicest person on earth, pretending to be a fcuking innocent angel while behind my back all your bullshit starts to come out. i really want to ask you to go to hell.

i gotta wake up;

Friday, July 31, 2009


ha ha ha... ok, i'm lame! but yippie!!! so happy that it can work again!!!!!!!!! & this is mye 100th post! yea, i know, it took so long to reach my 100th post... but, well, at least i did it! lol!

hmm... let's see wad i have to 'report'... lol... nothing much actually, just that i got 13/15 for maths test and i have to thank BELLA!! ha ha ha, tks for helping mie with last minute revision! ty!

hmm.... i really have nothing much to blog about... lol... oh ya! Jamina wasn't here today... was she sick? don't know, but anyway, GET WELL SOON!!!! [that is... if u're sick... & not having dental appointments or anything else... =D] hmm... then... got 4 more tests coming up... sian! Physics Test, Chemistry Test, Chinese Test and POA Test... lol...

well, was thinking of setting up a blogshop a few days ago... but... nah, i shall abort that decision... well, studies more important barhs. if i have a blogshop, i won't concentrate on my studies... and well, i don't know what to sell & well, there are many factors to consider... so yar, based on the above reasons, i'm not gonna set up a blogshop.[well, maybe in the far far future will i reconsider again...] lol!!! ^^

had cca on wednesday... the 1st cca after the june holidays... boring... so many competitions... noring... and the deadline is like next friday? how do you join the competition when you only have 2 lessons till the deadline and 1 of the lesson is just planning and slacking? & we got a 2nd teacher in charge... even more boring... haix... i'm so starting to lose interest in this bloody cca... don't ask me why... i just feel like it. xD

oh yar! i should have written that i watched finished the boys over flowers thing, did i? yar, i know, the trend is well, over. but, yar.. it's a nice show. & the yoon ji hoo is so sweet!! ha ha ha... jandi's guardian angel... it's always nice to have a guardian angle watching over you ehs? haix...

well, i guess i better get going... Take Care people! the flu is still going on [& strong... xD]...

-Maybe if i hadn't been absent for that one day in 2008, maybe if i had just went to school with the high fever, i wouldn't be this hurt and be nicknamed as HZ..

-I really didn't mean to be rude. I was really feeling very lousy... This time, i admit. It was wrong of me. I'm really sorry... I really didn't mean it...


i gotta wake up;

Monday, July 27, 2009

ok, seriously, is it just me or is there a problem with the blogger ting? i can't uplaod pictures, i can't change the colour of the fonts! damn... bloody comp... [that is, if the problem lies with mye comp...]

anyway, so sad!!! change classroom to 3rd floor 4e5 classroom... damn! i don't like!!! meow... as if i dun like we can't get our old classroom back... damn lars! feel so uncomfortable in the "new" classroom which walls have bits and pieces of paper and patches of paint have fall out [?] damn, its just not a very nice sight, esp when u first step into the class... boohoo...

haix, got 3 tests 2morrow, so gotta go study le. take care people! [GAMBATEH! xD]


i gotta wake up;

Sunday, July 26, 2009

halo, here to blog again... anyway, i received this email frm my sis about the swine flu... it's a video on youtube. quite interesting. it to the tune frm the wondergirl's song nobody... go watch it! =DD

PS: it has inappropriate words...

the link:


take care people!


i gotta wake up;

Friday, July 24, 2009

halo!!! i'm back after hmm... 23 days!!! lol... ha ha ha... anyway, today's post will be in black, cause for dunnoe wad reason, my computer cannot show the colour opptions and the whole thing is in a mess... lol...

anyway, today went to t.mall with bella and Jam joined us at around 3 plus? i tink so... so me and bella had lunch, then go buy farah jie jie's birthday present. lol... belated one lars... the we go popular and i bought these 10 years series:

-Social Studies

lol... dun even know if i will do it. but i always refer to these types of books... gotta concentrate now....

time really flies... so fast, it's almost the end of July... another 2 plus months is exams and a new year will start... so little time...

anyway, today had maths test... overall i should be ok barhs... but that damn stupid idiot question 1d)!!!! i didn't see that it was the bloody angles in the same segment ting!!! ergh!!!! haix... forget it.... oh yar! i gotta thank bella for giving me a mini tuition yesterday...


ha ha... ok, wanna sleep le... take care people!


i gotta wake up;

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

HALO!!!!! ok... so school reopned... countless of cases of H1N1... meow... just went to yahoo.com, found out that CURRENTLY, there are 701 cases in S'pore... sian... damn... on monday, went to school wif bella!! ^^ lols... went early. around 6.10am? maybe? can't remember... lols... then the dunnoe wad educator [he first time come, i tot he's a PARROT EDUCATOR... =x] anyway... he said the school open at 6.30am... sian... bella and i have to go mac do work.. meow...

anyway... have to take temp twice daily... lol... haix... watchinng BOF now... won't say i'm addicted to it... yet... probably... next time... ^^ lol... anyway... have to say that finally finished all my holiday homework! yay! =DDD

ok... i dunnoe wad to blog about liao... oh yar! i'm still in a slacking mood... *yawns...* but well, i still enjoy going to school. at least i can learn things and yar, not be so sian...

ok, gotta go now! take care people and be careful of H1N1! stay healthy and happy people! =)


i gotta wake up;

Thursday, June 11, 2009

ok, halo people!!! [anybody there?] ha ha ha... lol... ok, i know i very very damn long never update liaos... sorries... anyway... now at tampines ite using their comp. just submitted my drawing for the IP Champion thing... aiya... won't win one lars...

so sian... the one beside me, my new-found friend from woodlands ring sec named en hui drawing damn nice lors!!!!!! i jealous sia... T.T boo hoo... i'm just not an artist... well... anyway... luckily this camp is for 3 days only cause we have 2 breaks and 1 lunch provided!!! [for all 3 days!!!] the food are differrent each day. & if this camp is for 1 month, knowing that i love to eat, confirm plus gurantee become pig one lor! [ha ha ha... maybe not that bad lars... xD]

ha ha ha... anyway... met another new friend from paya lebar sec named lauren. so yar... i'm closer to en hui and lauren [her drwing also damn nice sia...]. the other people are friendly too... seems as if we are on class. so cool! ^^

ha ha.. so... yar... meow... [hmm... i've been meowing quite a lot lately... xD] ha ha ha... oh yar! bella never come with me today. she sick... so sad... get well soon wors!!! la la la... hmm... today is the last day of this camp. i've to admit its quite fun knowing new friendly people... just that the outcome of mye "product" is so god damn not nice! meow... if rina twin was here, confirm also damn nice one lor! and also jennifer jie jie... they draw manga so nice!!! meow... i dun noe how to draw!!! yikes!!!

ha ha ha... ok. so i have so many more homework to do.. the last exams was very poorly done.. can't wait for school reopen... and my damn comp is not back yet!!! i dun noe how in the world am i going to do the online homeworks like the ss holiday assignment and the english terrorism thing!!! meow!!!

haix... well... i guess i should stop here. so long liao... ^^ ha ha ha... hope to update soon!

ps: going out with my niece on saturday!!!
ps: wanna sleep so much!!!

Take care people!!!


i gotta wake up;

Monday, March 23, 2009

ok people!!!! been a long time since i have posted... so sorries... but i won;t be updating regularly ok... cannot slack already... today's physics test was a killer. this is also one reason y i shd not be blogging very often... well... maybe some of you think that i update not very regularly already and still i want to update lesser? ha... maybe you dun get it but... i really have to focus... though i doesn't make a difference if i get straight As or just Bs and Cs... who cares? nobody would.

oh ya... now these are the things that i have to do:

-Physics project [by 27th march'09],
-History Task 2 [help out wherever possible],
-Dunnoe Wad Else,

I won't be able to revise that much anyway... oh well... i tink i have not blog for so long that i dun noe wad to talk...

oh ya! mrs lee go dunnoe where la.... i wan her come back!!! i dun care if she gives test or wad but if she dun come back soon, i will fail my following geog tests!!! this new teacher[no offence, just how i feel...] is like having no experience at all and that she asks us tio read the textbook before she explains something.... i'm like wtf? read textbooks we no need teachers liao lor! haix...

difficult year 2009 will be i suppose... esp when i know that this is the year that i have to do smt that i really dun want, it really ruins my day. not that i want to think of it, but, it just comes to my mind...

Anyway, ms wani have a new seating arrangment... sian... i hope i dun kena the back row... 3rd row would be great... not the side too... i can't see!!! anyway, got new time-table too. will have P.E again on wednesday... i dun like NAPFA for all the stations... i rather run every lesson... anyway... hope everything will go well!

*--Best Wishes To You.


i gotta wake up;

Monday, March 2, 2009

ellos people!!! ha ha, been such a long time since i blogged ehs? ha ha... anyway, you may find that the song in this blog is not on auto play... you have to go there and click on whichever song you like... y? cos i added a song that i like better but cannot find the code anywhere!!! so i embed it frm youtube lors... [hope i did nothing wrong...]

well, sorry that you have to click on the song that you like rather than leaving it to the auto play... btw, there are a total of 24 songs in the playlist if i'm not wrong which includes english and chinese songs... so, just choose whichever song you like to hear then!

moving on... well, now alll the subjects had a test and this week is results week... stressed enough with the tests and now is the result?! OMG. haix... well, geog now learning 'bout natural vegetation and if you ever have a chance to look at my geog notebook, you can't read off a thing... maybe you can, but it will get your facts all mixed up. so, i guess only i can read... haix... mrs lee talks damn fast sia... and sadly, i'm not an audio person.

well, talking 'bout mrs lee, she says blogging is a complete waste of time plus the english is not very properly done up or dunno wad lars... well, no offence to anyone who love blogging, ok with blogging or dislike blogging... but somehow it's quite true... just look at the english i have in this post, it's all the singlish... anyway, seriously, no offence to anybody kays?

well, better get out of that subject... well, a couple of projects coming up i suppose? history. got our project... well, cannot slack liao lars... well, take care people! ^^

ps: it's a doom week for me... [i really wish for the opposite to happen...]
ps-2: 2.4 2morow!!! somehow i feel excited and somehow i dun... just try my best barhs! ^^ JY everybody!


i gotta wake up;

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

okay, so i'm here again... seriously, i'm trying to control myself to not use the comp... well, todae's an exception cos i nid to do smt but not now, must wait diyana to send me the iw ppt then i check. i just love diyana!!! ^^ not because she do all the work lars.... but i dunnoe, i just love her! ^^

well, just pretty out of moods lately... [is there any sentence "pretty out of moods"?] anyway, i dun care, i can't tink of it so who cares? haix... very stressed out lately, though it seems that there's nothing to be stressed about...

but... i just get this weird feeling which somehow makes me so stressed out though i dun even know what is it about... yar, i noe, it may not makes any sense... hey, though i'm tactile - "said" the learning styles thing - i dun usually get the correct words to put into the sentence that i wanna express.

i also realised CLEARLY, STRAIGHT IN THE FACE what or probably why am i so bothered by those little little things and trying my very very best to do something just to be "comparable" to another person. but in the end, i dun even QUALIFY for it. i knew it before, but i tried to cover up and tell myself that i can do it. but i know that i can't. and i got the answer STRAIGHT IN MY FACE today.

i just can't be like them. they can do almost ANYTHING to cheer one up or wadever. but i can't. i'm worried. i'm afraid. worried and afraid that i would get hurt in the end. fine, wadever you may think when you read this, but... it's not smt that i can say and i've already said too much.

Take care people!


i gotta wake up;

Thursday, February 5, 2009

ok, great, now i'm left with 1 lifeline... and i shd be sleeping by now or i will be a panda 2morow... ^^ haix... so this shall be a short short post... [let's bet on that, how short can my posts be? 5-6 sentences? no way... ^^]

ok, so i found out y i was having stomach pain and seriously had no appitite to eat... not even drink - period. ^^ wadever how you interprete that sentence. ^^ anyway, just have a few things to say:

SWEETHEART!!! cheer up kays? it's not ur fault that the class is too rowdy. and dun force urself to smile when u r unhappy, the feeling really sucks. just tell somone who can lend you their listening ear like your twin jamina! ^^ ha ha... ok, i dun specialise in cheering people up so... my language here is -_- ha ha, anyway, cheer up! ^^

ok, i gotta sleep now... take care people! ^^


i gotta wake up;

Monday, February 2, 2009

ok, so i posted and for this month, i'm left with 2 more "lifelines" to post... [sorry but i dun know how to describe it. so i suppose lifeline would be a more suitable one?] haix.. okay, i really nid to focus!!! i even failed my physics test!!! damn! T.T

haix... anyway, glad that mrs lee no nid use geo tb, if not i really die... i forgot to bring... again... 2nd time liao... haix... somehow aas i was packing my bag, i didn't notice the period "Geography" was there... ha ha ha... ^^

Well, i gotta go but anyway, i have added a few more songs, a combination of english and chinese song... a total of 20 songs if i am not wrong... choose the song that you wanna hear then... enjoy! [oh yar, i really enjoy the song "Shut Up" -Song 6 - it's very meaningful - that is... to me. ]^^

Take care people! =D


i gotta wake up;