To: 2e1-ers'08
I'm really at loss of what to say. I can't think of how am i gonna spend my holidays missing you guys... yar well, tis might seem over drmatic, but, hey, it's our last year together, well, actually, the last day. yes, we WILL see each other next year, but things are gonna change.
i wanna return to the time when we first met. to the time where we didn't know each other yet. and most importantly, return to the time we were enjoying each and everyone else's company. [belive it or not, i'm really crying.]
remember the time when we sat in our 1e1 class? we were all so alien to each other... then we had our orientation camp. yar, we knew each other more. we learnt each other's names and we arranged ourselves according to our birthdates on the bench in the basketball court. remember that? then we had our dinner and at the end of the camp, we knew each other better.
so we were in class again... and then, maliah and rayyan transferred. and bella, cornelius and wes-ley transferred in... we were a full class again... slowly, we formed our small little groups... like quads, the guys group, the malay group [pls, 1e1/2e1 is NOT a racist class] and bella's group. we might have a few conflicts here and there like that time, *** slapped *** for someting but *** apologised already. [sorries fer binging this up...] we managed to solve our conflicts ourselves and we pulled through. [?]
so 2007 ended and we were sec 2s. things started to change [dun wish to mention],we helped each other pull through each other's difficulties. we were not serious fer our exams, i remembered that almost half the class failed science fer mid year. then, we started to buck up, but slowly. end of year exams, we did a better. the results sucked. but we all know what sucked more. - getting into different classes. [i hate the goverment fer this. jk jk... xD]
i was dreading this day. - 23/10/08 - it's the last day of school. i hate it. well, not entirely, but, i wished it never ended. i wished once we reached sec2, we wil go back in time and be innocent sec 1s and be great friends again and that the cycle will never end. but, yar, people have to move on. that's one thing about life that sucks.
i really am very happy that all 40 of us that makes us 2e1, were present. and thanks fer the hugs girls. though i didn't cry with you guys fer some damn stupid reasons, i really appreciate those hugs. though i didn't hug each and every one of you girls, you are loved too. =D as fer the guys... well...sure i will miss all of your jokes and you guys as well. it's really saddening to see you all cry. but that's shows how much...
WE LOVE 2E1!!!
2e1, you are a bunch of GREAT classmates. no, you guys are more than great. it's beyond words. i never had a class like this. we never cried when we were gonna be separated the next year. and i believe than 2e1 has a special bond, which will NEVER be broken. I'm already starting to miss you guys... holidays would be hell...
now, those who are or were crying, dry you tears. it's not the end of the world. we will still see 2e1! though we won't talk and joke as much but there's still the class blog!
I LOVE 2e1'08 FOREVER!!!!! <333